Meet our experienced GUINOT ‘beauty doctor’ and discover Hidden Secret’s extensive range of Guinot treatments

Meet our experienced GUINOT ‘beauty doctor’ and discover Hidden Secret’s extensive range of Guinot treatments

“‘If a cosmetic product is professionally designed, it must also be professionally prescribed.” Guinot

At Hidden Secret we pride ourselves on our carefully selected superior brands and are incredibly proud to be a Guinot salon. We offer clients an extensive range of Guinot treatments, including their very latest technology which is the Hydraderm Cellular Energy machine, as well as manual face and body treatments. Our highly experienced Guinot trained therapist has been working with Guinot for over seven years’ and is passionate about the treatments she provides.

”As far as I am aware we are the only salon in the area to have Guinots latest machine, which is very exciting. It’s the Hydraderm Cellular Energy machine and genuinely doubles the results!” Hannah

HannahFor those of you who aren’t familiar with the Guinot brand, we asked Hannah to share her Guinot knowledge and experience…

Guinot’s mission has been to ‘make women more beautiful using exclusive and innovative beauty care methods.’ They’ve been doing this for over 40 years and have an incredible range of products suitable to treat any skin type. I first trained with Guinot in January 2010 when I worked part-time in my first salon. When I wanted to progress to full-time work, I then searched for salons that did Guinot. For me, I fell in love with the brand and believe in it so I wanted to carry on working with it. I had previously trained in other skin care lines but I found that Guinot was by far the best; I had seen results with it. Guinot feels natural to me because I’m simply educating people on their skin.

Hannah is an excellent therapist with good experience, very knowledgeable and always willing to learn more.” Guinot Rep


How do you keep up-to-date with Guinot treatments?
At Hidden Secret we have an excellent Guinot Rep who comes to the salon every six weeks for a catch up meeting. We go through any new products that Guinot may have launched or updates to any treatments. She’s always on hand to recap any product knowledge and help to keep me up to date so I know the products thoroughly. She likes to call us “the beauty doctor” rather than a therapist because we will prescribe products that are suited to clients skin needs and educate clients on how to keep their skin healthy and maintained. We are not there to just do a facial treatment, we are there to help the skin within the treatment and ongoing with home care products that we recommend. There is always opportunity with Guinot to do refresher training days to keep updated with any changes. After five years of doing the initial training; Guinot then like you to go back and do a full refresher training again.

 “I have been lucky enough to gain a lot of experience and training over the years. I also have clients who have followed me where I go because they trust in me and the brand. I really like the fact that I get to know client’s skin and am always thinking of ways we can improve or maintain their skin.” Hannah

How does Hidden Secret differ from other Guinot salons?
We provide a wide-range of treatments, both manual and electrical and as far as I am aware we are also the only salon in the area to have their latest machine, which is very exciting. It’s the Hydraderm Cellular Energy machine. This is an amazing machine that doubles the results!

What Guinot treatments do you offer?
We have an extensive range of Guinot treatments at Hidden secret, including manual face and body treatments, as well as facial electrical treatments. We also stock most retail products, and if something isn’t in stock I’m more than happy to order it in.

“I always do a thorough consultation and go through what the client’s skin routine is and what they are using at home for their skin. After cleansing in the treatment, I would also do a good skin analysis to work out the best products to use to suit their individual skin matters.” Hannah

Manual facials include:
Liftosome- a lifting facial with a thermo setting mask.
Aromatic- a relaxing facial using essential oils.
Beaute nueve- a double peeling radiance facial.
Age summit- a luxurious anti ageing and radiance treatment

Electrical facials:
Hydraderm cellular energy- Guinot’s latest technology, deep cleansing suited to any skin type.
Hydraderm lift- using current to stimulate the facial muscles, causing a lift to the skin.
Age logic- anti ageing deep cleansing treatment.
Eye logic- specially designed for the eye area to help with fatigue, puffiness, dark circles and to help with anti ageing.

Body treatments:
Aromatic contouring- for toning and firmness
Aromatic softening- a relaxing and softening body treatment.

For more information or to book a treatment call 01865 377590 or book online